Lovecraftesque is live on backerkit crowdfunding!

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Hi folks

I hope you’re well. I wrote to you earlier in the year to tell you about Lovecraftesque, the classic A storytelling card game of creeping cosmic horror. We launched our crowdfunding campaign yesterday and have already smashed our funding target.

Lovecraftesque is designed to allow a small group to create a compelling horror story from scratch in a couple of hours, including the time required to teach the game. We think it will be of interest to story-curious board gamers who like the idea of imaginative play but find traditional tabletop roleplaying games offputting.

The game uses card prompts to create chilling eldritch mystery tales built from clues the players create at the table. A compelling story emerges over a single session as if by magic without any prep, planning or discussion. The first edition was critically acclaimed, won the Gioco Dell’Anno (Game Of The Year) award, and was a finalist in the IGDN indie groundbreakers. We’re crowdfunding a new second edition boxed set, building on the lessons from the first to make an even slicker, more inspiring, easier-to-learn experience, with brand new art and a plethora of exciting new scenarios for the game. While the first edition was badged as a TTRPG, the new edition is aimed at bringing on board story-curious board gamers, with a format to match.

We have a press kit here:

Please do get in touch if you’d like to discuss further.
Best wishes

Josh Fox
Black Armada Games

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