RRP: £120
Player count: 2-4
Game duration: 1-2 hours
Ages: 14+
Black Metro is a strategic area control game where players battle
each other to amass power. Gather resources to research powerful
technologies, build fortifications and upgrade units. Control
districts through military strength and dominate your opponents.
Gain political influence through syndicate support and missions.
In the summer of 2020, amidst the lockdowns during the Covid-19
global pandemic; one lone and stoic, yet charismatic individual,
renowned amongst close friends for uncanny strategic and tactical
brilliance, embarked on a mission of grand proportions.
After 2 years of development, Black Metro was primed to
showcase at the 2022 UK Games Expo. Overwhelmingly positive
feedback, signalled the greenlight to advance the project toward a
physical print run, following the digital release on Steam PC.
Workers have dual use: Winning spaces and using spaces
Winning spaces prevents other players from fully using them
Spread workers to use more spaces or consolidate for control
Powerful technologies to ‘mix and match’ playstyles
Minimal tokens for ease of gameplay management
1 Double-sided game board (2ft x 2ft)
4 Double-sided player mats
4 Player storage boxes
10 Candidate cards (tarot sized)
146 Game cards (poker sized): 54 Fortunes, 48 Technologies, 24 Missions, 12 Syndicates, 8 Upgrades
94 Wooden game pieces: 72 Units, 20 Trackers, 1 Round marker, 1 First player marker
6 Landmark tiles
1 Six-sided dice
1 Rulebook
1 Discretionary bonus limited edition Black Metro hardback book (while stocks last)
“It is hard to say in very simple terms exactly what kind of game Black Metro is, because it incorporates different elements that combine to make the whole experience something with its own flavour, and greater than a simply rehashed sum of the parts. There is worker placement, area control, resource management and a few other things besides, which sounds like a recipe for a multi-layered headache, but actually everything comes together in a really solid and satisfying way.”
– Nicholas O’Neill
“This is a deep, thinky game with straightforward rules and a fine tuned gameplay that flows intrinsically.”
-Ty Napier
“It’s an awesome blend of worker placement and area control which really makes you consider more where to place your units.”
-Dizz (BoardGameFanatic)
Game Designer: Emesh De Zoysa
Artists: Diego Sanchez and Nathan Pool
For press kit, and other enquiries, please contact info@absoluteascendancy.com