We’re happy to announce that the Kickstarter for Apex has just started.
Apex is a 2-to-6-player strategy game set in a unique and strange science fiction universe. Various civilizations vie for galactic dominance through influence, technological advancement, and warfare. But a cosmic Enemy is now forcing them to unite to save the Galaxy.
Apex’s minimalist rules and fast gameplay (30-60 min) make this 4X accessible to a casual or family audience (10+), while symmetrical mechanics and minimal randomness pose a serious challenge to seasoned strategists. Apex is accompanied by Outsiders, an expansion allowing for solo, coop, and legacy play.
Apex has been designed by Julien Vaucanson, illustrated by Veronique Meignaud, and is published by Borderline Editions.
The Kickstarter offers the game alone or with its expansion, both at a discount price and with a Kickstarter-exclusive free add-on. Apex and Outsiders both contain rules in English and French.
The campaign will last only 10 days, closing on June 10.
Links: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/borderline/apex-4?ref=1l9w1m